Tuesday 1 September 2015

Runner beans, triffids and bank holidays

This week I have mainly been eating runner beans. The wet summer we have had in Cornwall must have been really good for beans as there seems to be a glut of them at the moment. Someone brought a bag of them into work for us to help our selves to, so I took home a couple of meals worth. Then when I visited mum this weekend she also had loads. Over the past week I have had beans with roast beef, cottage pie, lasagne, minestrone soup and in my cous cous salad for lunch. I'm even starting to look like a bean, although admittedly a less green, not so skinny, more hairy and quite a bit larger version of one.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a bean as much as the next man/woman. I like all aspects of runner beans: I admire the vibrant plants that grow even taller than sunflowers, the triffids of the vegetable group; I love the crimson flowers that decorate the plants; I like the plants Latin name of Phaseolus Coccineus; I love eating them steamed, boiled and made into chutney and I enjoy searching among the lush foliage for the hidden beans, as I always feel a bit like a jungle explorer looking for treasure. But I am just starting to wonder if you can have too much of a good thing. I am eating them for every meal, yet still they seem to be taking over my fridge, there's hardly any room in there for milk, cheese or other veg, and I am having to drink warm wine as there's certainly no space in the fridge for cold plonk. I worry that one day I will come home to find that the beans have broken out of the fridge, taken over the kitchen and are planning their attack on the lounge.

Last night I went out for a pub meal for a friends birthday. I was looking forward to seeing my friends, but was also anticipating a beanless meal. Although we weren't served runner beans we did get their Gaelic cousin the French bean, so it wasn't really much of a change. Beans are taking over the world, brocolli doesn't stand a chance.

I love a collective noun (my favourites being a charm of goldfinches and an ascension of larks) and I wondered if there was a collective noun for runner beans. I checked on Wiktionary and the closest I could find was a "hill of beans, well I reckon that I have already eaten a mountain of them this week. I couldn't however find a collective noun specifically for runner beans so I'd like to suggest the following, see what you think;

  • a Nike of runner beans
  • a wigwam of runner beans
  • a race or maybe a marathon of runner beans 
  • or perhaps a fart of runner beans

A bit of audience participation would be good here, anyone got any other ideas?

In the brief moments between picking, preparing and eating beans, I have enjoyed the August bank holiday weekend, which incidentally I think should be renamed the Runner Bean bank holiday. I have seen some friends, had a barbeque, been for some good walks, bathed the dog and met up with my cousin and her family. But mostly this week, I've been eating beans.

So the answer to the age old question of " How many beans make five?" is probably about a trillion and not the traditional more conservative response of, a bean, a bean and a half, half a bean, and another two beans. Sorry this is a short post but I haven't got time write any more as I need to get ready for work and I haven't even chopped the beans to add to my porridge for breakfast yet...after all, waste not, want not.


Unknown said...

We're enjoying our runner beans too and for the first time ever I planted the right number. We have a good supply and aren't overburdened, or should that be over-beaned? And the red flowers are so pretty. As to a collective noun, I think you've already bagged the possibilities. I love runner beans cooked, cooled and soaked in vinaigrette.

Frankie said...

Ahhhhh now I know why I have come home to find a carrier bag on my doorstep full of beans and no note and no clue as to who did it! The Phantom Bean Dropper!!!! Loving your blogs - another lovely thing is that I now know a whole other side of you - I can't believe you are a wine drinking person who practically skinny dips and talks of farts!!! I hope you keep going on the blogs, you're a natural :)

Richard Stevens said...

We have all sorts of delicious beans out here in Crete, including broad beans, but there is nothing quite like the good old runner! So if you want to send me some... (collective noun - how about 'a carrier of runners'?)

Worklesswendy said...

Thanks all for your kind comments.
Ray it sounds like we need to be sending a runner with some runners to Crete.
I'll try your vinaigrette idea Christine.
Good to hear from you Frankie, there's only so much you tell your colleagues about I suppose. I guess we all have our secret lives.

Unknown said...

This is the problem I find with home grown produce. You either get a mountain of it, or just a few straggly offerings! I'm very fond of runner beans fried in butter.

I am voting for a Nike of runner beans :).

Worklesswendy said...

Thanks Mir, I'm discovering lots of new recipes and ways of cooking runners.

Unknown said...

Hey Worklesswendy,

While I was reading your bean eating week I also recognised all the dishes that accompanied the beans. Do you have a spare room I can rent - I would prefer board and lodgings with one freshly cooked meal a day, with beans of course.

Great post, I did not think you could get a whole post out of beans, but it appears you can do it with ease. Enjoyable reading.


Worklesswendy said...

You're welcome any time Rachel. Wait till you try my latest discovery, Bean, lentil and tomato curry, yum.