Tuesday 8 December 2015

Reindeers, mince pies and the tooth fairy

Dear Wendy,

Thank you for your letter dated 2nd December. It is a long time since you last contacted me, about 40 years in fact! Your handwritting hasn't improved! I hope that the years have been kind to you.

I can confirm that you have in fact evaded the naughty list again this year, but I should point out that it was by the skin of your teeth. Each year you seem to get a bit naughtier and you really are skating on thin ice now. You have been warned!

I wanted to reply to you in person as there may be a slight problem with a couple of the items on your Christmas list and I don't want you to be disappointed on Christmas morning. As you say in your letter, the festive period does get more and more commercialised each year, but I'd like to point out that it's easier for me to get actual material things compared to your requests. Let me go through your list point by point.

  • World peace, end of famine and cure for cancer. There's good news and bad news on these items. Let me start with the good news; I'm very pleased to say that we already have the ability, science and natural resources to achieve all of these lofty aims. The bad news unfortunately is that mankind has chosen at this time to use its resources to instead fund warfare, so peace, food for all and medical break throughs are all currently on the back burner. 
  • A self cleaning dog. I do feel for you on this one as it's not just little white dogs who are hard to keep clean. The reindeers winter coats are a nightmare to keep muck free and I swear that the hollow fibres of their coats are dirt magnets. Mrs Santa and I are busy from Boxing Day till about April trying to get the chimney soot out of their undercoats. I can however recommend a good whitening shampoo (I know its good as I use it on my beard occasionally. Ho ho ho.)
  • To win at games. A tricky wish to grant this one as if I were to grant it, you would be cheating and as a cheat you would have to go on the naughty list and not get any presents. Therefore I think you're just going to have to do your best to win by skill and luck like everyone else, you'll have more fun that way too.
  • Good weather. Slightly outside my remit this one but I've had a word with a higher authority ie. the Met Office and we're on the case, you might want to keep your wellies and a waterproof handy though, just in case.
  • A year of sleeping soundly. A good nights sleep is certainly a gift and I'd like to therefore give you an early present by telling you how to improve your sleep. Mrs Santa and I have a rule that we don't take phones, tablets, IPads etc to bed with us. Since we've started this we sleep much better. The wife also insists that we don't have any caffeine after 7:00pm, we have a milky drink at 9:00 and have sprigs of lavender under our pillow. What the lavender is there for, except to get tangled in my beard, I've no idea, but hey ho it helps to keep the elves busy in the summer harvesting the lavender.
  • Enjoyment of tinned oily fish. I'm working on this one for you, hopefully by this time next year you'll be eating much more oily fish. I'm afraid that I don't have any fish recipes for you as we pretty much eat roast turkey all year round here, except on Christmas Eve when I have to eat approximately  six metric tonnes of mince pies.
  • A red and blue box kite. I feel almost sure that I've delivered one of these to you before, however at this time of year I'm just too busy to look back through the archives and I've only had the current database for the last 8 years. Perhaps you could double check if you already have such a kite.
As you see I'm having a bit of difficulty with your list, so if you'd like to rethink your requests please let me know. Although you thought that you were being good by not being materialistic, you have made my job just a bit more difficult. Just a thought but have you ever considered asking for a set of ghd hair straighteners, my wife Mary swears by them and, no offence, but you look like you might benefit from them?
You also asked about how I got the job as Santa in the first place. Well I left school and got an apprenticeship with the Royal Mail. Whilst doing my training I spent some time as a postman, I also worked in the sorting office and central operations. Eventually I got a promotion into international projects, the experience I gained there was what I needed on my CV to apply for the job with Santas Deliveries PLC. Of course the fact that my Aunt is the Tooth Fairy and my second cousin on my mothers side is a Leprechaun probably helped too, we all know its not what you know, it's who you know that's important. I guess for young people interested in a job these days as Father/Mother Christmas then the more obvious route would be to take a degree in Logistics, like the one that Aston University offer and where I occasionally guest lecture.

So anyway must go, busy, busy.

Be good!

Love, Santa


Anonymous said...

Loved it. At least you tried with the weather lol

Worklesswendy said...

Thanks David, glad you enjoyed it.

MadTrollie said...

nicely stroked {my aka is bud k)